Factors Contributing to Disparities in Baseline Neurocognitive Performance and Concussion Symptom Scores Between Black and White Collegiate Athletes


Learn about the importance of baseline testing within the context of racial minorities.


End-tidal carbon dioxide levels in patients with post-concussion syndrome during neurocognitive and physical tasks compared to a normative control group

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Longitudinal Changes in Resting State Connectivity and White Matter Integrity in Adolescents With Sports-Related Concussion

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Neuro-metabolite Changes in a Single Season of University Ice Hockey Using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy



Reports of Concussion History and Newly Diagnosed Concussions Are Higher Among Students With Self-Reported Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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Investigate LD and ADHD as risk factors that put students at an increased risk for concussion.


Comparison of Neurocognitive Changes Over One Competitive Season in Adolescent Contact and Non-contact Athletes

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Safety of Active Rehabilitation for Persistent Symptoms After Pediatric Sport-Related Concussion: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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Learn about the importance and efficacy of active rehabilitation post-concussion.


Test-Retest Reliability and Interpretation of Common Concussion Assessment Tools: Findings from the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium

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Influences of Mental Illness, Current Psychological State, and Concussion History on Baseline Concussion Assessment Performance

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Delve into how students with a history of anxiety/depression or extensive concussion history may differ in their baseline ImPACT scores.


Post-concussion Symptom Factors and Neuropsychological Outcomes in Collegiate Athletes

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Learn how the relationship between symptoms and cognitive outcomes can help guide your concussion treatment.


ImPACT Normative Data of Ethnically Diverse Adolescent Athletes


Learn how to use the ImPACT normative data with ethnically diverse athletes.


An Examination of Adolescent Athletes and Nonathletes on Baseline Neuropsychological Test Scores

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Athletes and nonathletes may differ in their baseline ImPACT performance. Read on to learn how.


Neurocognitive and Fine Motor Deficits in Asymptomatic Adolescents during the Subacute Period after Concussion

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Adolescent athletes with learning disability display atypical maturational trajectories on concussion baseline testing: Implications based on a Finnish sample

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Do you know how ImPACT clinical report data may change for test takers with learning disability? This study explains the difference.


Effects of Developmental Age on Symptom Reporting and Neurocognitive Performance in Youth After Sports-Related Concussion Compared to Control Athletes

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Evaluating the test-retest reliability of symptom indices associated with the ImPACT post-concussion symptom scale (PCSS)

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Prevalence of Invalid Performance on Baseline Testing for Sport-Related Concussion by Age and Validity Indicator

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Review of Assessment Scales for Diagnosing and Monitoring Sports-related Concussion

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An Examination of Adolescent Athletes and Nonathletes on Baseline Neuropsychological Test Scores

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Athletes and nonathletes may differ in ImPACT baseline scores. Do you know what to look for?


Factors Associated With Self-Reported Concussion History in Middle School Athletes

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