Hawai’i Concussion Awareness & Management Program (HCAMP): ImPACT


Review a recent study done on Hawaii’s high school student athletes and their concussion rates.


Exploratory study of sport-related concussion effects on peripheral micro-RNA expression


Neurocognitive Performance, Concussion History, and Balance Performance During a Distraction Dual-Task in Collegiate Student-Athletes

Learn about the interaction of balance and ImPACT results in post-concussion assessment.


Baseline Neurocognitive Performance and Symptoms in those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders and History of Concussion with Previous Loss of Consciousness

Learn about the role of pre-existing risk factors like ADHD in concussion management.


Resting-state functional connectivity after concussion is associated with clinical recovery


Using Rates of Low Scores to Assess Agreement between Brief Computerized Neuropsychological Assessment Batteries: A Clinically-based Approach for Psychometric Comparisons

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Current Evidence in Management of Concussion Baseline Testing in ADHD and Learning Difficulties Patients: A Critically Appraised Topic

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Preliminary Evidence of a Dose-Response for Continuing to Play on Recovery Time After Concussion

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Get additional evidence of the critical importance of removing concussed athletes from play in this article.


Effects of Playing Positions on Memory and Auditory Comprehension in High School Football Players with a Mild Concussion


Learn how an athlete’s sport position and neurocognitive test scores may be correlated.


Mobile Ecological Momentary Assessment of Postconcussion Symptoms and Recovery Outcomes

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Review the importance of real-time symptom reporting to help clinicians make concussion management decisions.


Multimodal Assessment of Sport-Related Concussion

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Learn the tools that are most robust at discriminating athletes with concussions in the acute / early subacute phases of injury.


The missing piece of the concussion discussion: primary prevention of mild traumatic brain injury in student athletes



Does Concussion Affect Perception-Action Coupling Behavior? Action Boundary Perception as a Biomarker for Concussion



The Natural History of Postconcussion Recovery Among High School Athletes

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Evaluating Motor Control Improves Discrimination of Adolescents with and without Sports Related Concussion


Learn about the role of motor control evaluation in concussion diagnosis and treatment.


High Sleep Disturbance and Longer Concussion Duration in Repeat Concussions

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Learn about varying sleep patterns and associated symptoms in patients with multiple concussions.


King Devick computerized neurocognitive test scores in professional football players with learning and attentional disabilities


Objective This study examined outcomes from the King Devick (K-D) in athletes with Learning Disabilities (LD) and attention disorders (ADHD). Methods A total of 574 professional football players from the Canadian Football League (CFL) completed baseline evaluations with computerized neurocognitive testing (CNT) prior to the 2016 competitive season. Player age, education, history of concussion, LD, and ADHD were analyzed for K-D and Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) performance. A series of analyses of co-variance (ANCOVA’s) were used to compare participants with a history of LD and ADHD with history of concussion as a co-variate. Results Approximately 5% of participants reported a diagnosed history of LD and 13% with ADHD. Performance on the K-D test was not significantly correlated with age, education, or history of concussion but was significantly correlated with history of LD and ADHD. Participants with LD performed approximately 6.9 s slower on the K-D test (t[563] = 4.70, p. = 0.0003) and participants with ADHD were approximately 2 s slower (t[572] = 2.04, p. = 0.04). Conclusions Results indicated that players with a history of diagnosed LD and ADHD performed slower on the K-D test in comparison to athletes with no history of diagnoses. The results of this study underscore the importance of recognizing individualized outcomes when using the K-D.


Estimated Age of First Exposure to American Football and Neurocognitive Performance Amongst NCAA Male Student-Athletes: A Cohort Study



Brief iPad-Based Assessment of Cognitive Functioning with ImPACT(R) Pediatric


Discover commonalities across ImPACT Pediatric factor scores.


The Relationship Between Postinjury Symptomatology and Days Postinjury for the Graded Symptom Scale in Concussed Adolescent Athletes


Learn the relationship between symptoms and recovery time in this new research.