Objective: The use of computerized neuropsychological tests for assessment of mild traumatic brain injury and concussion has become a routine standard of care. While the reliability and validity of ImPACT tests have been examined in several studies, no study has established concurrent validity with traditional neuropsychological tests. Three studies have provided the bulk of validity data, showing strong correlations between selected neuropsychological tests and ImPACT scores. However, not all ImPACT composites have been evaluated at the same time or in the same study. This study is the first known demonstration of concurrent validity of ImPACT scores across all domains. Method: Twenty-six collegiate football players took pre-season baseline ImPACT tests, together with a battery of paper pencil neuropsychological tests (NP). NP tests were selected to assess constructs similar to those purported to be reflected in ImPACT scores: verbal memory, visual memory, processing speed and reaction time. Bivariate correlations were calculated with the selected NP test scores and ImPACT composite scores. Results: Significant correlations between ImPACT composite scores and NP scores were obtained for the ImPACT composites. The relationships were as predicted: CVLT-II Discriminability showed strong relationships with Verbal Memory. Reaction time scores from a continuous visual recognition memory test were correlated with the Visual Memory composite, but performance data was not. CPT reaction times, Coding and Color-Word Interference subtests were related to Reaction Time and Processing Speed composites respectively. Conclusion: Although a small sample, these data provide initial support for the construct validity of baseline ImPACT composite scores.