Neuropsychological test performance of Hawaii high school athletes: updated Hawaii Immediate Post-concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing data

Hawaii J Med Public Health -


Tsushima, W. T. and A. M. Siu.



The present study reviewed the Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) baseline test scores of 247 high school athletes ages 13 to 18 from a private school in Hawai’i. The aim of the research was to update a prior exploratory investigation conducted in 2008 that compared the test scores of Hawai’i public high school athletes with the normative data provided by the ImPACT publishers. The results of this study provide assurance that the present ImPACT scores of the Hawai’i high school athletes are similar to the general ImPACT norms. The present study is a rare effort to compare the ImPACT scores of high school athletes from an ethnically diverse region with the ImPACT norms. The findings offer further support for the use of the ImPACT norms when evaluating high school athletes from Hawai’i. Future research in various regions of the United States and with other sociocultural backgrounds is encouraged.

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